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Living in TAO

Prostate problems usually begin after age 35. By age 50, about 25 percent of all men have enlarged prostate, and by age 80, nearly 80 percent have prostate problems of some sort.

There are two major factors contributing to prostate problems: obesity and hormonal changes.

Maintaining kidney health is integral to your prostate health. Treating prostate problems with medications often affects the health of the kidneys.

Prostate cancer has to do with testosterone levels in the body. Patients diagnosed with prostate cancer are often prescribed female hormones to reduce the male testosterone.

A plant-based or vegetarian diet reduces testosterone levels. The fiber in plant foods facilitates the removal of testosterone from the body. When the liver filters the blood, it removes testosterone through the bile duct into the small intestine. The fiber from plant foods then soaks up the testosterone and removes it with other waste products out of the body. Another reason for consuming plant foods is that a protein known as sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in plant foods is responsible for keeping testosterone inactive until needed.

The lycopene in tomatoes reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Cooked tomatoes are more protective than raw ones. Other foods that contain lycopene include watermelon, strawberries, and pink grapefruit.

If diagnosed with prostate cancer, avoid all animal products. Eat plenty of grains and green vegetables to accelerate the removal of excess testosterone. Use diet to control prostate cancer. Surgery should be the last option, since prostate cancer occurring at advanced age seldom leads to fatality.

Healthy Prostate provides good information to give you a healthy prostate.

Stephen Lau
Copyright ©2018 by Stephen Lau



Humans often set life goals, which generate expectations that necessitate judging, picking and choosing. Disappointments and frustrations are their byproducts. In Lao Tzu’s mind, everything in life is to be welcomed and embraced, not avoided.

“Everything that happens to us is beneficial.
Everything that we experience is instructional.
Everyone that we meet, good or bad, becomes our teacher or student.

We learn from both the good and the bad.
So, stop picking and choosing.
Everything is a manifestation of the mysteries of creation.”
(Chapter 27, Tao Te Ching)

According to Tao wisdom (the wisdom of Lao  Tzu, the author of Tao Te Ching, the  ancient classic on human wisdom), the root cause of all human miseries is pride, which is to satisfy the ego-self delusively created in the flawed human mind.

“The Creator is above,
and we are below
The Creator is in front,
and we are behind.
Because this is the nature of things,
humility is only natural to us.
Yet many are desirous of the top
fearful of lagging behind.
Humility is the Way.”
(Chapter 66, Tao Te Ching)

Humility makes us want to become “dull like stones” instead of “shiny like jade.” But with humility, we also become dependent on the Creator, instead of on ourselves-this is the foundation on which the healthy relationship is built.

“Dependent on the Creator,
our horizons broaden and expand,
our souls inspire and nourish,
our relationships grow and flourish.
Everything around us becomes oneness with the Creator.

Dependent on ourselves,
our horizons contract and shrink,
our souls wither and die,
our relationships break and crumble.
Everything around us becomes depleted and damaged.”
(Chapter 39, Tao Te Ching

Humility initiates the process of letting go of everything that distracts us from our pursuit of wisdom of the Creator.

“Possessing little, we become content.
Having too much, we lose the Creator.
Having no ego, we become humbled, and our actions are enlightened.
Having no desire for perfection, our actions are welcome by all.
Having no expectation of result, our actions are selfless and non-judgmental.
Having no goal, our actions are under-doing and never over-doing.

Accepting what is, and finding it to be perfect is not easy.
But that is the only Way to the Creator.”
(Chapter 22, Tao Te Ching)

Indeed, distractions in modern life come in many different forms that ultimately distance us from the Creator.

Stephen Lau

Copyright© 2018 by Stephen Lau


Longevity may not be a blessing. There are many who have a long life, but they are unhappy. Loneliness is one of the main problems of those who have longevity: their close friends and loved ones may have passed on, leaving them feel stranded and left alone in this world.

Therefore, it is important to know how to live your life, if you just don't die! You must know how to live your golden years, just like Santa Claus. Furthermore, you need to understand the happiness wisdom.


This 252-page book is about the wisdom in living in the golden years. This is a comprehensive book on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of successful aging. The book covers frailties and challenges encountered by many seniors in their golden years, such as vision loss, falling, memory impediment, breathing problems, health and money issues, among others. It shows you the wisdom to overcome or cope with them. In addition, it opens the doorway to making new waves to live a meaningful and purposeful life in your golden years. The wisdom is in using Santa Claus as your role model to believe in yourself, to think and act like Santa Claus in your senior years.

Stephen Lau



Detox Shake

In this day and age, you are daily ingesting a great deal of toxins into your body through the food you eat. In addition, if you regularly take prescribed medications from your doctor or over-the-counter drugs, you have loaded toxic chemicals into your body. Always look for alternatives to dangerous drugs.

To detoxify, the best way is to fast on a regular basis. But you may like the idea. Another alternative is to take a detox shake.

Put 3 tablespoons of whole flax seed, juice of 1 whole lemon, and 1 tablespoon of ground milk thistle into 1 cup of water, and drink it on an empty stomach. Get your detox shake 2-3 times a week for internal cleansing.

Eye Smoothie

Are you tired of wearing glasses or contacts? Do you want the vision of an eagle's?

Drink this eye smoothie every morning on an empty stomach, and do not eat at least for an hour after the smoothie.

The eye smoothie is simple to make: an apple, a small potato, a carrot, a medium tomato; put all ingredients in a blender, and drink immediately.

You can drink this eye smoothie in place of your breakfast. It not only gives you nutrients but also improves your vision.

If you have just started wearing reading glasses, you can dispense them within a few months. If you have been wearing them for a while, you may need some good eye exercises. Go to:
Vision Self-Healing Self-Help.

Stephen Lau

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